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MMXII: resume

December 29th, 2012 Leave a comment Go to comments

The apocalypse announced by Maya hasn’t happened so now I need to write an article with the resume of year 2012. I don’t want to spoil the tradition of previous years (2010, 2011) and first begin with review of plans for year 2012, determine its completion progress and finish with setting new plans for year 2013.
The blog seems very useful in that sense. It allows to track changes in professional interests and priorities. Looking on all achievents I can notice to myself with pleasure that my interest in software development doesn’t have any fading trends. Quite the opposite.
Summarizing I could say I didn’t spend whole year uselessly, but from other side it did not become super productive in terms of adding new features to website and making search engine promotion. Consolation for myself could be the fact I think  my almost complete involving with the new project, which I hope will be more successful than heximal. In general, it seems it’s time to come to agreement with the fact that there is almost no progress in terms of SEO. The webiste looks more and more like protfolio. After all in order to promote, the website must contain unique content, a lot of content, and unfortunately I don’t have enough time for making content. The speed of adding new articles to blog is still very poor. SEO-performance become growth, but are still at the miminal level. Perhaps it is the natural state of affairs reflecting my interest to SEO-industry – I do not like to deal with it, do not think it is a creative process. However I’m going continue attempts to move it as far as possible.
So I’m not going to make some greatest promotion plans to get into search enginse top results. I can assume that part of this task is completed in a certain sense – the analysis of the log shows the redirects of the target audience of the search engines for several requests.
I’m gloing to concentrate on the development of the site as my own portfolio. The past year brought significant changes to the concept of the site and its underlying implementation. Now I began to feel a real satisfaction by the work I’ve done and by the fact that the site is no longer ashamed to be showm. And not just people, but people from all over the world. The site has finally become multilingual! As one of my friends, “this is a great victory for our administration.” This item remained unsolved for two years. And not so much because of my laziness or lack of time, but rather because of many controversial aspects resulting multilingual concept – I mentioned them in previous summarizing. But thanks God, I’ve got the patience to resolve these contradictions, and now all sections of the site (including blog) have two localization – English and Russian. This of course brings additional support costs, I have to create multilingual content for every new entity, but it doesn’t make me sad. Fortunately, the work at the British company helps to improve English skills – for more than a year of daily living converstaion I feel I became much more sophisticated in English, and the permanent written practice will only be a benefit. Very soon I’m planning to write an article about the experience of creating multi-language on Zend Framework and WordPress.
Perhaps this is the biggest achievement for the year – I feel like it is more complecated than all that was done in the previous year) Another major achievement is the return of the tv-schedule to the site, and in a totally new form. A year ago I was contacted by the owner of the resource, which I used as an xmltv schedule source with the request to stop using their data. As a result I had to find another source, and I found it. Or should I say he found me (later I’ll tell about it in my blog). Another minor achievements is a new entertainment subsection  Interesting – this is the result of my old wish to create some comfortable tool for storing interesting stuff found on the web like pictures, videos, texts.
Finally I’ve added the About section with my CV inside, drawn up in a free art form. I have seen similar a technique on many developers personal websites – it forced me to create this section and in that manner.
The addition to all this can be global internal refactoring, the need for which appeared while implementating the multi-language concept. Great shame to myself – I didn’t release any iOS-product for the pas year. I mean under my own account. On my main work I released a few products, but it can’t be count in) Unless in the sense that these products have added a lot of new iOS-development sills to my collection. However, like last year, I’m looking forward for the December 31st (itunes connect comes back from xmas holidays on the 28th) to submit my new project – it is completely ready and waiting for submission. Furthermore, I released the retina-version for my previous application  Amusing Table . From the other hand, may be it’s not necessary to be so much distressed about it – what can you do if you do not have worthy ideas.
An interesting fact. All applications previously published in AppStore, still download. I do not know how to explain this phenomena, as people bump on my crafts … Apparently, the audience appstore is so great … The undisputed leader is still  TakeMeHome – 7-10 downloads a week.
What would I plan for next year? There is no more any sort of greatest ideas, at the moment I’m completely satisfied with it. Of course if I work something out, I’ll implement it imediately. Keep publishing new interesting relevant articles. Continue to evolve in the iOS-development, try to publish as many apps in AppStore as possible. By the way, this year I’ve created a text file to record ideas. Now there are 18 items. In addition, from time to time there are offers on the development side, so there are definetely many ways to go.

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